Peer Reviewed Articles (single and co-authored)
Not a Priority: Law School Faculty Diversity
Innovative Higher Education
A Place of Hope and Healing: Culturally Relevant Teacher Education at a Tribal College
Journal of Education
Understanding the Motivations of Future Minority Serving Institution Leaders
Journal of Higher Education Policy & Leadership Studies
Internationalization Amidst Austerity: The Development of Minority Serving Institution Faculty for Study Abroad
Journal of Faculty Development
When Things Get Messy”: New Models for Clinically Rich and Culturally Responsive Teacher Education: A Case Study of BLOCKS at New Mexico State University
Teachers College Record
Empowering Success: Messages and examples of inherent inclusivity at historically Black colleges and universities set them apart from other institutions
American Scientist

Peer Reviewed Articles (single and co-authored)
HBCUs, STEM Education, and the Pursuit for Legitimacy
British Journal of Sociology of Education
Culturally Relevant Study Abroad for Students of Color: Lessons from the Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship in London
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
Redefining the Matriculation of Underprepared Students: The Case of Developmental Math Education at Chief Dull Knife College
Review of Higher Education
Master Plan and the Future of California Higher Education: Assessing the Impact of State Policy on Minority Serving Institutions
American Educational Research Journal
Understanding Black Students’ Dispositions to Civic Protests at Historically Black Colleges: Data from a National Survey
Frontiers in Education
The New Urban College Model: A Case Study of Paul Quinn College and Shifting Assessment Standards
New Directions in Institutional Research

Peer Reviewed Articles (single and co-authored)
The Support of National Teacher Organizations for Brown v. Board of Education,
Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review
The Contributions of HBCUs to the Production of Black Nurses: A Foundation
Journal of Nursing Education
A Study of Young Workers’ Union Behavior
Personnel Review
Understanding Student Persistence in Commuter Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Journal of College Student Development
The Effect of Enrolling in Minority Serving Institutions on Earnings Compared to Non-Minority Serving Institutions: A College Scorecard Analysis
Research in Higher Education
Differing Roles, Differing Concerns: Using Network Analysis as a Tool to Highlight Diverging Concerns and Priorities Surrounding Teacher Education at Minority Serving Institutions
The Teacher Educator
Exploring the Unknown
June 10, 2028
This is a citation of your published piece. Write a brief description to give a snapshot of your work. Make sure to specify the medium for publishing, such as an academic journal, book, essay or magazine. If your work only appears on certain pages, include that information so it’s easier for your readers to find.
Learning by Doing
June 10, 2028
This is a citation of your published piece. Write a brief description to give a snapshot of your work. Make sure to specify the medium for publishing, such as an academic journal, book, essay or magazine. If your work only appears on certain pages, include that information so it’s easier for your readers to find.
A Theory Comparison
June 10, 2028
This is a citation of your published piece. Write a brief description to give a snapshot of your work. Make sure to specify the medium for publishing, such as an academic journal, book, essay or magazine. If your work only appears on certain pages, include that information so it’s easier for your readers to find.
Exploring the Unknown
June 10, 2028
This is a citation of your published piece. Write a brief description to give a snapshot of your work. Make sure to specify the medium for publishing, such as an academic journal, book, essay or magazine. If your work only appears on certain pages, include that information so it’s easier for your readers to find.

Peer Reviewed Articles (single and co-authored)
Expanding the Student Persistence Puzzle to Minority Serving Institutions: The Residential Historically Black College and University Context
Journal of College Student Retention
‘It’s in Your Heart’: How the California Mini-Corps Program and Hispanic Serving Institutions are Transforming Migrant Student Education
The Teacher Educator
From Marginalized to Validated: An In-depth Case Study of an Asian American, Native American and Pacific Islander Serving Institution
Review of Higher Education
Academic Mestijaze: Embracing Hispanicity in the Humanities at Hispanic Serving Institutions
Journal of Latinos in Education
Coming Together: A Case Study of the Use of Collaboration between Student Affairs and Faculty to Positively Affect Student Success at Norfolk State University
Frontiers in Education
The Role of Senior Level Administrator’s Support of Black Women’s Success in STEM at HBCUs
Education Sciences

Peer Reviewed Articles (single and co-authored)
Challenging Respectibility: Student Health Directors Providing Services to Lesbians and Gay Students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Teachers College Record
Minority Serving Institutions Mosaic: A Data-Driven Student Landscape
Berkeley Review of Education
The Role of Minority Serving Institutions in Transforming Teacher Education and Diversifying the Profession: A Literature Review and Research Agenda
Teachers College Record
Historically Black Colleges and Universities and the Production of Doctors
AIMS Public Health
Minority Serving Institutions Across the Globe: Laying the Foundation for Future Research
Higher Education
Minority Serving Institutions: Incubators of Teachers of Color
The Teacher Educator

Peer Reviewed Articles (single and co-authored)
Examining the Potential of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Journal of Negro Education
How it’s done: The Role of Mentoring and Advice in Preparing the Next Generation of Historically Black College and University Presidents
Education Sciences
Leaders Wanted!: The Skills Expected and Needed for a Successful 21st Century Historically Black College and University President
Journal of Black Studies
Morehouse College: Promoting Black Male Success in STEM
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
Engaging Voices: Methods for Studying STEM at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Journal of Multicultural Education
An Exploration of Giving Among Gay Male College Alumni
Journal of Education and Training

Peer Reviewed Articles (single and co-authored)
Change Gonna Come or We Don’t Matter: Higher Education Programs in the United States
Journal of the Study of Higher Education and Tertiary Education
Colorism within Historically Black Collegs and Universities
Theory into Practice
Activism, Identity, and Service: The Influence of the Asian American Movement on College Student Experiences
History of Education
Diversity and Senior Leadership at Elite Institutions of Higher Education
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
Understanding Honors Programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Journal of Negro Education
Lives Intertwined: A Primer on the History and Emergence of Minority Serving Institutions
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education

Peer Reviewed Articles (single and co-authored)
Building Bridges, Not Fences: A History of Civic Engagement at Private Black Colleges and Universities
History of Education Quarterly
The Impact of the One Florida Initiative on Florida’s Public Law Schools: A Critical Race Theory Analysis
Journal of Educational Foundations
Advancing Black Male Success: Understanding the Contributions of Urban Black Colleges and Universities
Urban Education
Cultural Identity and Allegiance among Vietnamese Students and their Organizations at the University of California, Irvine: 1980-1990
Teachers College Record
An HBCU-Based Educational Approach for Black College Student Success: Toward a Framework with Implications for All Institutions
American Journal of Education
Gender Disparities at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Higher Education Review

Peer Reviewed Articles (single and co-authored)
The State of Research on Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Areas of Strengths and Challenge
Journal of Multicultural Education
Understanding Race in Doctoral Student Socialization
International Journal of Doctoral Studies
Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Leading Our Nation’s Efforts to Improve the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Pipeline
Texas Education Review
Characteristics of Historically Black College and University Presidents and Their Role in Grooming the Next Generation of Leaders
Teachers Education Record
Preparing Underrepresented Students of Color for Doctoral Success: The Role of Undergraduate Institutions
Journal of Doctoral Studies
The Relevance of Black Law Schools
Southern University Law Review

Peer Reviewed Articles (single and co-authored)
We Know Very Little: Accreditation at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Journal of Black Studies
Perceptions of Black College Presidents: Sorting through Stereotypes and Reality to Gain a Complex Picture
American Education Research Journal
Mixed Motivations, Mixed Results: A History of Law, Interest Convergence, and Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Teachers College Record
When Gender Issues Are Not Just About Women: Reconsidering Male Students at Historically Black Colleges and Universitie
Teachers College Record
Race and Equality in the Academy: Rethinking Higher Education Actors and the Struggle for Equality in the Post-World War II Period
Journal of Higher Education
“In Search of a “Good” School: First and Second Generation Asian American Students Describe their College Choice Process
Journal of College Student Development

Peer Reviewed Articles (single and co-authored)
Effectively Recruiting Faculty of Color at Highly Selective Institutions: A School of Education Case Study
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
A Matter of Equity, Diversity and Necessity: The Tension between Maryland and its Historically Black Institutions over the State’s Lack of Commitment to its OCR Agreement
Journal of Negro Education
An Essay on the History of Faculty and Shared Governance at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Journal of Research in Education
A Growing Tradition? Examining the African American Family Foundation
Nonprofit Management & Leadership
Liberal or Professional Education? The Missions of Public Black Colleges and Universities and Their Impact on the Future of African Americans
SOULS: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society
Fundraising During the Midst of the Civil Rights Movement: The Case of Hampton Institute
Nonprofit Sector and Voluntary Quarterly

Peer Reviewed Articles (single and co-authored)
A Maverick in the Field: Fundraising for Change in the Black College Community during the 1970s
History of Education Quarterly
Consequences of Conservatism: Black Male Undergraduates and the Politics of Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Journal of Negro Education
White Corporate Philanthropy and Its Support of Private Black Colleges in the 1960s and 70s
International Journal of Educational Advancement
The Contributions of Historically Black Colleges and Universities to the Preparation of African American Women for STEM Careers: A Case Study
Research in Higher Education
‘Difficult, Yet Rewarding’: The Experiences of African American Graduate and Professional Students in Education at an Ivy League Institution
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
Swept Under the Rug: A Historiography of Gender and Black Colleges
American Education Research Journal

Peer Reviewed Articles (single and co-authored)
‘It Takes a Village to Raise a Child’: Social Capital and Academic Success at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Journal of College Student Development
Rising Tide: New Orleans' Black Colleges and Their Efforts to Rebuild After Hurricane Katrina
Multicultural Review
Truth, Generalizations, and Stigmas: An Analysis of the Media’s Coverage of Morris Brown College and Black Colleges Overall
Review of Black Political Economy
Salvaging ‘Academic Disaster Areas’: The Black College Response to Christopher Jencks’ and David Riesman’s 1967 Harvard Educational Review Article
Journal of Higher Education
Twice Removed: A White Scholar Studies Black Sororities and a Black Scholar Responds
International Journal of Research and Method in Education
Corridors and Coffee Shops: Teaching about Race and Research Outside the Classroom
Journal of College and University Teaching

Peer Reviewed Articles (single and co-authored)
Researching Historically Black Colleges: A History with Archival Resources
Multicultural Review
A Not-So-Systematic Effort to Study Art: Lincoln University and the Barnes Foundation
History of Higher Education Annual
The Role of Faculty in Fundraising at Black Colleges: What is It and What Can It Become
International Journal of Educational Advancement
Developing Trust, Negotiating Power: Transgressing Race and Status in the Academy
Teachers College Record
Creating an Image for Black Colleges: A Visual Examination of the United Negro College Fund’s Publicity, 1944—1960
Educational Foundations
Rhetoric vs. Reality: The Fundraising Messages of the United Negro College Fund in the Immediate Aftermath of the BrownDecision
History of Education Quarterly

Peer Reviewed Articles (single and co-authored)
Historically Black College MBA Programs: Prestige, Rankings, and the Meaning of Success
Journal of Education for Business
Doorways to the Academy: Visual Self-Expression among Faculty in Academic Departments
International Journal of Education and the Arts
A Word for Every Occasion: Appeals by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. to White Donors on Behalf of the United Negro College Fund
History of Higher Education Annual
Motivations for Philanthropic Giving in the African American Church: Implications for Black College Fundraising
Journal of Research on Christian Education
A Renaissance on the Eastside: Motivating Inner-City Youth through Art
Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk
Modern Art in the Old South: The Role of the Arts in Fisk University’s Campus Curriculum

Peer Reviewed Articles (single and co-authored)
W. E. B. Du Bois and Charles S. Johnson: Opposing Views on Philanthropic Support for Black Higher Education
History of Education Quarterly
An Untapped Resource: Bringing African Americans into the College and University Giving Process
The CASE International Journal of Educational Advancement
Charles S. Johnson and Johnnetta Cole: Successful Role Models for Fundraising at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
The CASE International Journal of Educational Advancement
The President as Ethical Role Model: Instilling an Ethic of Leadership at Fisk University during the 1950s
Journal of College and Character
Passport to the Front of the Bus: The Impact of Fisk University’s International Program on Race Relations in Nashville, Tennessee
The Interdisciplinary Journal of North American Studies
Scylla and Charybdis: Navigating the Waters of Academic Freedom at Fisk University during Charles S. Johnson’s Administration (1946-1956)
American Education Research Journal